Administrative and Legislative Dispute Process
Customers who want to inquire about plate denial or any other customer service-related matters should contact our service provider, 407 ETR. An established dispute process is in place to handle customer inquiries and complaints. For more information on specific dispute resolution options available to customers please visit our service provider's website at
There are two dispute resolution processes in place for Highway 407, an administrative process and a legislative process.
1. Administrative process:
If you have a dispute, there are steps you must follow before contacting the 407 ETR’s Office of the Ombudsman:
Call 1-888-407-0407 to speak with a Customer Service Representative (CSR) or contact 407 ETR through its website at Please have your name, account number, licence plate number, and postal code information available.
If you are not able to resolve the issue with a CSR, you can request to speak with a Customer Advocate from the 407 ETR’s Office of the President.
If you are still unable to resolve your issue, you can outline your dispute in writing to 407 ETR’s Office of the Ombudsman, which impartially reviews that all appropriate steps were taken in investigating your dispute.
However, please note that if you have been sent a Notice of Failure to Pay and you wish to dispute that notice, you are subject to the timelines specified in that notice in accordance with Ontario legislation. If you receive this Notice you may consider pursuing the legislative process at the same time.
2. Legislative process:
If you receive a Notice of Failure to Pay, you may dispute charges on one of the following grounds:
You already paid the toll charges in full;
You believe the toll charges are not correct;
You are not responsible for the toll charges because the vehicle plate or transponder are not registered in your name; or
You are not responsible for the toll charges because, at the time they were incurred, your vehicle, licence plate, or transponder was lost or stolen.
If you believe your dispute falls under one of the above grounds, you must send a Notice of Dispute by mail, email or fax along with the requested supporting documentation to 407 ETR within 30 days of receiving the Notice of Failure to Pay. These details and delivery addresses are available on the Notice of Failure to Pay.
If you send a Notice of Dispute, 407 ETR has 30 days to respond. If 407 ETR fails to respond, the disputed amount cannot be sent to plate denial.
If 407 ETR’s response states that it does not agree with any or all of the disputed items in your Notice of Dispute, you have the right to appeal 407 ETR’s decision to an independent arbitrator that has been appointed by the Government of Ontario. Please note that the plate denial process continues while the matter is appealed to the independent arbitrator. If the arbitrator rules in your favour and you have already paid the disputed amount, the amount will be returned plus interest. Please note there are fees associated with pursuing the legislated process.
If you send a Notice of Dispute to 407 ETR, 407 ETR will not use a collection agency or seek court enforcement to collect the amounts until the final disposition of the dispute.