Useful Links
Ministry of Transportation
The Ministry of Transportation strives to be a world leader in moving people and goods safely, efficiently and sustainably to support a globally competitive economy and a high quality of life. Visit the Ministry of Transportation’s website for more information.
ServiceOntario is an organization focusing on fast, friendly and easy access to a range of government services and information. It offers integrated suite of services over multiple levels of government, including driver, vehicle and health documents. For more information on all the available services please visit the ServiceOntario website.
Ontario 511 – Traveller Information Services
Ontario 511 – Traveller Information Services website provides easy 24/7/365 access to the Ministry of Transportation road information on provincially maintained highways.
Road Map Ontario
The Ministry of Transportation offers a web version of one of the most popular ministry publications - the Official Road Map of Ontario - which the ministry has been proudly producing, in paper version, since 1923. Access the web version of the Official Road Map of Ontario.
Travel Ontario
To plan your next trip in Ontario please visit Travel Ontario.
Carpool Lots
The Ministry of Transportation provides free carpool parking lots near dozens of highway interchanges throughout Ontario. They are ideal places to meet up with your pre-arranged carpool partners before entering the highway system. Selected lots are also served by public transit. Find a carpool lot near you.